Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Irish CVD Bull

See here for essential background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2024/11/evans-land-is-coming-true.html.
Last night a group of men in Donegal, Ireland defaced a border road sign near Derry. The gang, who call themselves "Troublemakers Ireland" and live up to their name, put a giant sticker on the sign so instead of "Welcome to Northern Ireland", it now says "Welcome to OCCUPIED Ireland." Source: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1668816894058793. It's is very frustrating to watch people who obviously have a lot of energy and a social conscience being so misguided and naive. They are literally living in a fantasy world in which they are soldiers in a war from centuries ago. As I explain in the background link above, the Celtic Victimhood Delusion is not confined to Wales; in fact Wales is a minor example compared to Scotland and Ireland. The effects are equally destructive though. It has caused the Irish people to shut their eyes to the facts of the modern world, that "British imperialism" ceased to be a thing long before almost everybody alive today was born. The CVD has allowed the stormtroopers of the Brussels globalist empire to infiltrate the Emerald Isle totally unopposed. The people see it going on and just shrug their shoulders and say "well at least they're not the feckin' Brits!" It's incredibly ironic that the same road sign also warns drivers that speed limits beyond it are all in miles-per-hour. Why? Because the EU has forced Ireland to use metric measurements. The honest and realistic thing to do would be to take down that sticker and put it up on the other side of that sign. The closest thing we have today in Europe to a land of freedom that has broken away from imperialistic oppression is the United Kingdom.
See here for more background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2019/10/brexit-portal.html.

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