Friday, 10 January 2025

Scorched Earth 3- Sentencing

Donald Trump has been sentenced by a New York court. Back in May the President-elect was convicted of felony fraud. He falsified business records in 2016, before he ran for president, after paying £105,000 to the porn star Stormy Daniels. She claimed the two had an affair. Trump denies the affair, but still paid her to keep her mouth shut about it. The transaction itself is not illegal, but Trump's accountant listed it as legal expenses, which is. The backslappers often accuse me of idolizing Trump, but I do not. I'm well aware that Trump is a mortal man; he is not a flawless saint. I respect him and look up to him as a political leader, but he is not perfect in every way. Nevertheless I resent the fact that he was prosecuted over this. Obviously this whole case has an ulterior motive and that is clear to see for everybody. The same goes for all the other lawfare Trump has been subjected to. If he hadn't been Donald Trump the whole issue would never have escalated to court proceedings. For the same reason the establishment does not punish people it considers useful, even if those offences are far more serious; like Hunter Biden, Prince Andrew, Jimmy Savile etc. The case was in the Supreme Court of New York so Trump cannot pardon himself; he can only do so with federal court convictions. There has been a lot of fear circulating that Trump might be sent to prison. That would have been extraordinary; a president-elect ending up jailed. I didn't think they would dare go that far; and indeed the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, had already said beforehand that he would not impose a custodial sentence, fine or probation. However, a sentencing of any kind means Trump will be the first US President to hold a criminal record. Trump has tried to delay the case. He even went to the US Supreme Court but they ruled against it. If he could have stopped today's hearing for just a single week he would have been inaugurated and safe. This is the meaning of my latest TikTok video, see:

There were protesters outside the court; some were supporting the president, others opposing him. No television was permitted in court and all we saw on the live coverage were the police guards outside. Trump was not in the courtroom and appeared by video link, sitting alongside his lawyer. His sentence was an unconditional discharge, and even the prosecutor called for that as well. This means he will face no punishment other than the stigma of being a convicted felon. His enemies hope that this will add to the rest of the mud they are slinging at him. This is why they brought this case against him in the first place. It could even be enough to light the fuse for a future impeachment. Source: I was pleasantly surprised when January the 6th went smoothly. That date is etched in halls of infamy following the protesters' guided tour in 2021, see: This time in the joint session of Congress to certify the new president, it was a very civilized and straightforward affair. Even Trump's election rival, vice-President Harris, did her job without any fuss. There are still spanners being flung into the works though. There is distinct dithering over the confirmation hearings for many of Trump's cabinet, including John Ratcliffe, head of the CIA; and Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence. It feels like they're trying to run the clock down so that Trump will not have the officials he needs when he takes office. Source: Next week is going to be long, worrying and tense.
See here for more background:

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