Thursday, 16 January 2025

RDH is Back!

Despite a number of deceptive, two-faced and spiteful people claiming Richard D Hall has suffered a "downfall", I'm pleased to say he has bounced back with a new video, number 313. He gives an update on his legal situation in the first part. I'm happy to say, but not surprised, that he remains defiant. He intends to appeal against this blatant injustice. The second part is far longer than the first and in this one he provides a description of the mechanism of global technocracy. This is centred around a diagram the viewer can screenshot or download and print as a flyer or poster. Richard has added a new title sequence to his programme and has adapted his famous slogan: "Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see". Source: It's so good to see Richard back in the saddle and I wish him all the best. Please continue to contribute to his legal fund as much as possible.
See here for background:


  1. Great news that

  2. Really pleased about this news. And thanks, Ben, for helping to get the word out. Love and Light to all who stand for Truth. Best wishes,
    Chrissie M

    1. Happy to be the bearer or such glad tidings, Chrissie. Thanks for your comment.
