Saturday, 25 January 2025

Fall Back to the Keep!

In this article I will make some points that I had planned to save for my traditional Brexit Day article which is coming up next week, but on reflection I think it needs a separate post. The 2016 Effect has proven itself to be not only still here, but it is strengthening. Not only have we seen the inauguration of President Trump, but two countries in South America have elected Trumpian, libertarian, patriotic, almost anti-political figures. Across Europe anti-EU populists are becoming more and more powerful. As a result the engineered tension in the Middle East and Eastern Europe will inevitably cool. This will lead to a sense of security that will do wonders for public morale, also the economy of the continent and the world beyond. Already relations are improving between all the major power poles of the world, something we got a tantalizing taste of four years ago. 2025 will be the new 2016, only better; because the 2016 energy has integrated and consolidated. It's been a long, dark, painful walk through the wilderness, but we've come through. It's all over now... However, there is one exception; Britain. My own country seems to be the sole outlier, an island of pollution and devastation in an ocean that is slowly cleansing itself and healing. Our government has been taken over by the Starmer regime, a globalist, culturally Marxist, authoritarian, managerial bureaucracy, see: Morgoth has understood the same point that I have; he's begun calling the UK a "woke North Korea", see: Why? I think it's best grasped by imagining the world as a castle being invaded, the invaders being the Illuminati. Castles have different layers of defence with the last line being the keep, an extra secure inner fortress with a supply of food and water so the defenders can hopefully endure a siege. If the outer walls of a castle are breached by the invaders the defenders will then retreat to the keep where they can hope to persist even though the rest of the castle has fallen. I've known for a long time that there is something special about Britain or the British Isles. It has sometimes being called the heart chakra of the earth, an energetic centre where the physical and aetheric bodies of Gaia converge. This could be why there are so many pre-Illuminati monuments here, like Stonehenge and Avebury etc. It could be why the crop circle phenomenon, although global, is centred on this country. It could be why the Romans were so desperate to conquer and occupy Britain, even though it caused them a huge amount of effort; the Boudica rebellion etc, see: As their "Great Work of the Ages" crumbles and rots in front of their eyes, they have decided to abandon their lost territories and fall back to their keep, their heartland, Great Britain. It is from this heart chakra point they hope to maintain their grip on control of the earth's energy system. This is bad for the British people because it means we are essentially hostages inside the keep. The Loomies will make the most of having us trapped here by doing as much evil to us as they possibly can. But do not despair! They can't stop us seeing the globe beyond our shores transform and we will gain hope from that. The eventual destruction of the Deep State will be played out here right on our doorsteps, so bring some popcorn. Then we will join the rest of humanity and the earth in the post-Illuminati world.
See here for background:

1 comment:

  1. This is probably the edgiest thing I've ever posted! Maybe I should make it clear: I am in good health and have no heart problems. I enjoy living and would never deliberately end my own life. I don't do dangerous things that make accidents likely. I don't get into fights by choice. I have a clean criminal record and I've never been sexually attracted to anybody who is not an adult woman.
