Sunday, 12 May 2024

Is the Messiah Coming?

The strange case of the tunnelling Jews of New York, see:, is actually part of a larger and more widespread pattern of behaviour. I've come across many other publications indicating that there are a growing number of people who believe that the End is Nigh, especially in the Jewish community. They believe that the Messiah, or מָשִׁיחַ, "mashiach", is about to come forward on the earth. According to Abrahamic eschatology, the Messiah is the redeemer of humanity born to return the fallen man to unity with God. Jews, Christians, Muslims and other faiths vary in their beliefs, but the central theme of the Messiah is the same, see the background links below. The Messiah is a male figure born of the line of David, that is Jewish royalty, who will become the king of the Jews and will be anointed with holy oil. He will usher in a new age in which the God of Israel will restore the world to a state of grace. I've come across an interview between two Jewish ladies. It's not easy to follow because they talk primarily about their personal lives, and insert many Hebrew and Yiddish words into their discussion, but the meaning is still obvious. They regard the October the 7th massacre as a prelude to Armageddon. This is understandable considering it was the worst crime against Jewish people since the Russian pogroms. They say that the recent solar eclipse, see:, might be another sign from God. Source: It is very often when a terrible disaster afflicts a people or nation that apocalyptic ideas become popular and those ideas will fit into the theology of that culture. Personally, I'm not poised for arrival on earth of a supernatural being who will make everything alright. I don't rule it out totally, but I doubt it. If I am wrong then I will be a Thomas and take responsibility for my lack of faith. However, as I explain in the background links below, I believe the archetype of the Apocalypse is a real thing. It will emerge in one form or another; and I do accept that an age of change which is parallel to the Messianic one, if not identical in form, is indeed upon us.
See here for background:


  1. Thanks, Della. I hope we DO get the Messiah to be honest.

  2. "They regard the October the 7th massacre as a prelude to Armageddon. This is understandable considering it was the worst crime against Jewish people since the Russian pogroms".

    As terrible as the Russian pograms were they happened twenty years before the holocaust. There is a difference in order of magnitude of estimated and recorded deaths from multiple sources.

    100,000 estimated deaths in the Russian pograms compared to 6 million in 'the final solution' of which almost half were in Poland alone.

    It reflects poorly on you and your reasoning that you made this error in mentioning the Holocaust which happened more recently than the programs and everyone is far more familiar with, even yourself I expect.
