Wednesday, 10 January 2024

I've Been Zucked, Part 3

Facebook has upped its game. As I explain in the background posts below, they have banned all my HPANWO pages except the HPWA and Ben's Bookcase (I don't know why they have passed those two over). When I set up HPANWO Extra everything was fine after that until a few weeks ago. Then, when I tried to post a link to a HPANWO Extra relay on FB it was refused. Red text popped up stating that the page contained "spamming and deceptive practices", the same excuse they use for my primary HPANWO links. It turns out that the Meta bots have become more sophisticated and can now check more than just a URL in the post; they also can go to the prospective link and scan the actual page for verboten material. This means they can see the Extra page and see the HPANWO link in it and ban the post as a result, before you even post it. This displays a huge advance in sophistication. I'm sure this is not personal against me; it could be because I'm not the only one using the HPANWO Extra trick and FB are now trying to tackle it. I then went on to have a similar rejection for a HPANWO TV YouTube player page. Why? Because the description box included HPANWO page links... Fiendish! However, I've found a way around it. I've been posting the HPANWO Extra links without the banned URL's and then adding them straight after. Once FB accepts a post for publication you can edit anything into the links and the algorithms can't spot it. I'm finding this petty resistance from social media more and more irksome. I've discovered recently that Blogger have subjected me to the same shadowbanning as YouTube. I know because my stats don't make sense; I'll go into details in a future article. There is a major arms race going on between freedom loving human brains and censoring AI's programmed by intellectual dictators. It could be that Facebook will now work to find a way round my latest trick, in which case I will have to do the same. Whatever, for now I have decisively outwitted this latest attempt to silence me on the world's biggest social media space. Your move, Zuckerberg!...
See here for background:

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