Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Berwyn 50

Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the Berwyn Mountains UFO incident. On January the 23rd 1974 a valley in northeast Wales was shaken by an explosion and a strange glowing object was seen on the ground high up in the Berwyn Mountains. There are many articles, books and documentaries about this event. By far the best documentary is The Berwyn UFO Cover-up Exposed by Richard D Hall, see: https://www.richplanet.net/richp_search.php?ref=170&part=1. Some others are not so good. This one is nicknamed "the Andy Roberts Show" for obvious reasons, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zahBuWppeI. I review Andy's book here: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2011/01/ufo-down-by-andy-roberts.html.
Colin Woolford and I visited the location ten years ago to join other UFOlogists in marking the fortieth anniversary, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2014/01/berwyn-40.html.
Here is my HPANWO Radio interview with the incident's principle researcher, Scott Felton, see: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2013/04/programme-39-podcast-scott-felton.html.
As always when these anniversaries come up, the questions are always raised: why have we had to wait so long? Will we ever learn the truth? I don't know; but one thing is certain, if we don't mark these occasions and allow mysterious events and their cover-ups to fade into the past, to be forgotten, we will never find out the truth.

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