Monday, 18 September 2023

J Posadas at the CCS

I returned once again to a meeting of the Oxford Communist Corresponding Society because they were hosting a presentation about J Posadas, the maverick Argentine socialist who expressed an interest in UFO's; although only in one piece of writing, it turns out, which indicates he was not as interested in the subject as I had previously thought. I was keen to go to this meeting because I thought it was important to "fly the woo-woo flag", so to speak. To the credit of the CCS, they are the only organization in Oxford that I know of which regularly covers UFO and paranormal topics. General interest in J Posadas has increased in the last few years. A creative meme culture has grown up around him and in 2020 a new book was published about him: I Want to Believe- Posadism, UFO's and Apocalypse Communism by AM Gittlitz. There are numerous book reviews and interviews with the author among leftwing commentators, but I am the only journalist from the UFO scene who has covered this topic, see background links below. The presentation was given by Edmund Griffiths, a local author who writes a lot about Russian affairs, especially during the Soviet era. The recording of his leadoff is on his website: It was ironic or maybe serendipitous that this event was arranged in advance for last Thursday evening, the day after the UFO hearing in Mexico, see: and the same day as the NASA press conference on UFO's, see:
I learned a lot from Edmund's talk. It seems that J Posadas changed his position a lot throughout his life. Along with his legendary UFO opinions, he was also famous, and infamous, for other viewpoints. Most controversially, he believed that nuclear war was inevitable and would happen within ten years, sometime in the 1960's. A lot of people were bracing themselves for that as well during the early Cold War; the difference being with Posadas was that he welcomed such an occurrence. That initially sounds outrageous, but he came to this opinion in a very cold materialistic way. He believed that despite the terrible destruction of a nuclear holocaust, it would lay the ground for socialism afterwards; for that reason it was worth it. In this way he holds similar views to my own fictional character Julian Spencer, see: (I knew nothing about J Posadas or his views when I wrote the Roswell Trilogy. Members of the CCS did not express this same opinion at the meeting.) In the Q and A session after, I made the point that even if it were possible to justify this action in a pure Machiavellian way, it might not work. There is no guarantee that after a nuclear holocaust the society you want would emerge in the post-apocalyptic world. You might end up with something very different and very unwelcome. History is replete with such blunders; albeit on a smaller scale, thank goodness! I gave the example of the Black Death. Historians often speculate about what alternative scenario could have developed after that catastrophe and it includes almost everything imaginable. J Posadas was also interested in dolphins and thought that we could learn to communicate with them. They might even be able to work as midwives. Some people still believe that today, like Dr Denise Herzing, see: There is apparently a connection to SETI because one of the people at the meeting mentioned that Posadas knew Peter Lilley, the biologist who studied dolphins and was at the organizing committee of SETI in 1960. Frank Drake, the founding father of SETI once talked about "immortal aliens" and this is a very posadist phrase. Did Dr Drake also have a meeting with Posadas? See here for more details about SETI: I was told at the meeting that maybe I had been invited there on false pretences because they didn't discuss aliens very much, but actually I didn't mind. I found the whole event very interesting because I take an interest in general politics as well as all the other things I cover. I'm glad I went along. Many thanks to the Oxford CCS for holding this meeting.
See here for background:

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