Tuesday, 15 August 2023

My Dad Asked Me about UFO's!

After the famous UAP hearing last month I wondered if we had entered a new world where everything was different, but I wasn't sure. Any doubt that this was the case evaporated from my mind like dew in the morning sun a few days ago when my father said to me: "Ben, what's all this I keep reading in the news about UFO's?" When I'd recovered from the shock I gave him the basics. My father is a very conventional man, totally different from me. I would actually go as far as to say he is wilfully ignorant about some issues, including the subject of this article. I won't identify him, but he is seventy-six years old and comes from what is commonly called a "skilled working class" background. He is Bristol-Welsh with ancestry in midwest Wales. He retired a decade ago from a career in a series engineering firms and has since kept himself busy with rambling and amateur construction. He whinges a lot about his health and age, but he is actually very fit for a man in his seventies. He goes to the gym, rides a bike and has a younger girlfriend; comparatively, she's sixty-seven. I have had a lot of conflict with him in my life, for example: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/01/eyes-of-centaur.html.
When I was first "red pilled" I was very outspoken about it. I was so enthusiastic about all this new information that was coming my way that I naively failed to understand that other people might not feel the same way about it. My father's attitude was very negative and stubborn. I had numerous debates with him that I won easily, but he refused to change his position despite this. I think that people often feel more sensitive about arguments with their parents than they do with other people, like friends and partners etc. Therefore, to avoid falling out with him I decided over twenty years ago to stop completely discussing with him anything except mundane everyday matters. I know not everybody would handle such a situation like that in this way, but I chose to. This is why it was so astonishing that he volunteered a conversation about UFO's with me. He never looks behind the headlines so the only way he could have heard about the UFOlogical current affairs is that he came across a publication about it that was trending considerably. "I know you are knowledgeable on this matter..." he continued. I was surprised he remembered. After I had explained the outline of the issue he appeared not to be worried. "Oh, I see." he said nonchalantly. He seemed casually curious more than anything else; not very interested, but willing to entertain it as a topic of conversation. In the last few years I have questioned my previous judgement, that most of the general population would panic in the immediate post-Disclosure period. I would have written the first part of Roswell Rising slightly differently today, see: http://hpanwo-bb.blogspot.com/2016/08/roswell-rising-is-here.html. I actually now believe that there would be a continuum of different reactions from people post-D. About five to ten percent would rejoice; I would be among those. Maybe a similar proportion would indeed freak out, but the majority would respond like my dad. They would shrug their shoulders and say "Oh." I've a feeling we'll soon find out if that's true.
See here for background: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/06/david-grusch-mini-portal.html.

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