Thursday, 30 March 2023

Citizens on Patrol!

See here for essential background:
The title of this article does not refer to one of the more original (comparatively) comedy films of the Police Academy series, it refers to an action some local residents in Oxford have taken upon themselves to do once the local traffic neighbourhood bollards started being knocked down. Seeing as the council was so half-hearted in enforcing the infamous pilot scheme the community started repairing the barriers themselves and sometimes even policing them in person, which is what you see in this video: As I said in the background article, I think I understand why these people would want to do such a thing, but I oppose what they are doing completely. They don't realize that they are forging their own shackles, saving the state the effort of doing so. David Icke once did a speech where he compares humanity to a flock of sheep. However there is one crucial difference. As he says, "We have dispensed with the sheepdog. We police each other!" Source:

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