Thursday, 7 July 2022

LHC Run Three

The Large Hadron Collider has restarted. The world's biggest scientific experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its French language acronym CERN, has begun "Run three". The seventeen mile around circular particle collider was shut down for engineering works at the end of 2018 and it now has had its "High Luminosity" upgrade. This will make it far more efficient and sensitive. It was powered up in April this year and began new collisions on July the 5th, yesterday. The scientists involved hope to study the Higgs boson some more and maybe discover particles of dark matter, the mysterious substance that is theorized to make up the gravitational framework of the universe. It has already identified three new "quarks", the component particles of the hadrons. Hadrons are themselves the building blocks of an atomic nucleus. Source: It is important to study the background links below if you are unfamiliar with this subject. I have been documenting the possibility of dangerous side effects from the operations of the LHC for several years. It could be as dramatic as this fictionalized scenario by the BBC: Personally, I am far less concerned now about CERN than I was a few years ago when I produced the background publications. Run Three's energy will only exceed Run Two's 13 to 14 TeV collisions by a small margin; these have already occurred. Whatever damage CERN can do has either been already done or has not happened at all. Seeing as no major ill effects have occurred yet, mini black holes or strangelets etc, why should we be more worried now? The one thing that has emerged that I think might be linked to CERN is the Mandela Effect, see: and: This is a highly unusual phenomenon, but it doesn't appear to be harmful. It just causes confusion. I predict that as Run Three progresses through its schedule, which will last until about 2026, we might see new Mandela Effect examples and/or more and more people experiencing existing ones, "Loony Toons" etc. Could it create a portal to another world? Oddly enough the film The Mist has been trending for the last couple of months, see: Several conspiratorial pundits have postulated that the interdimensional properties of the LHC that caused the Mandela Effect might actually cause us, ourselves, to enter a parallel universe. This sounds horrifying, but it might not be. It could be a better universe than the one we just left behind. There are already hopeful omens for this. For example, as I write these words, it's been announced that somebody just blew up the Georgia Guidestones! Source: (I'll make a full report on this as soon as possible.) I think I like this universe; can I stay here?
See here for more information:


  1. Have you seen the CERN logo? It reminds me of the 2012 Olympics logo - do you remember that one?

  2. Very interesting article Ben. Taking a step back, the lengths the scientists/funding organisations at CERN go to seem excessive. They are clearly driven by something other than mere scientific research analysis and publication. The question therefore of what is driving them is intriguing. Regarding the monument, some are saying a lightning strike (including Thomas Sheridan), others a skull and bones ritual (apparently the date was significant, i.e. 6th July, 2022). Perhaps somewhere in between, HAARP DEW could have been used?

  3. Snarnok, yes. It's a 666. I'll be discussing it in tonight's HPANWO TV livestream.

  4. Laurence. It's possible. At the Bases conf, Harry Rhodes said that he and his team targeted it with cloudbusters! Hope so!
