Friday, 15 April 2022

Fifteen Hundred UAP Pages Released

Just a few days after The Black Vault published some of the classified annexe of the UAPTF report, see:, a huge number of extra pages, over one thousand five hundred in fact, have also been released under the Freedom of Information Act. This new impetus for transparency comes from the last source I expected, The Sun newspaper. That epitome of British tabloid journalism which, as Yes Minister quipped, "don't care who rules the country so long as she has bit tits!" is now somehow deeply involved in the ET Disclosure effort. The London red-top submitted a FOIA on the 18th of December 2017, literally the day after the first AATIP story broke in the New York Times. The positive response came on March the 23rd 2022, over four years later. The search of the DIA's records located fifty-two documents valid under the act. Some of the documents have been redacted due to exemptions, but the DIA claims that these exemptions were due to copyright and data protection issues rather than anything "reasonably segregable"; in other words, connected to the nature of the subject matter. If we believe them then it means they don't intend to keep UFO's a secret anymore. Can that be true? Source:
This latest haul includes some quite remarkable, if not entirely unique, information. However its location makes it highly groundbreaking, if confirmed. One of the most interesting parts concerns medical reports on UAP witnesses. Ever since John Burroughs' successful lawsuit against the Pentagon there has been a common law precedent for open discussion on this issue. Burroughs', along with his fellow witness Larry Warren, have suffered medical problems as a direct result of their close encounter while taking the DoD's shilling in 1980, see: The new release details how patients who have been in the close vicinity of UAP suffer conditions expected from exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation; skin problems, degraded vision, hair loss, heart problems, blood toxicity and neurological damage. Some also experienced nightmares that could come from mental trauma. There are plenty of other examples, such as the Cash-Landrum incident, which amazingly happened on the same day as Rendlesham Forest, albeit five thousand miles away. However, the report goes on to become much more fringe in tone, almost as if it is a page in Nexus or UFO Truth magazine. It discusses alien abductions in a similar manner to civilian experts like Budd Hopkins and Mary Rodwell; dealing with phenomena such as pregnancy anomalies, sexual encounters and telepathy. There is a document on paranormal phenomena, crop circles and spiritual issues. It openly describes the UAP with the words: "unconventional and advanced energy systems." It says that UAP are from "unknown provenance" and they may be a threat to the United States' interest. As I write these words I find it hard to accept that an official government file uses language like that. I have analyzed and rejected the Hallian disinformation model, see:, however I can't help feeling that this is all too good to be true. I am wondering if this time we really are dealing with some kind of psyop. If it is then the questions I asked about that theory still apply: What purpose does it serve? Who benefits from fake Disclosure etc. You may want me to post a link to the whole 1,574 spread, however The Currant Bun has so far only printed eight. Source: Obviously they're holding back on this story to stir up publicity; as every newsman worth his salt knows, this generates sales. However on an issue of such importance to human history and civilization, do they have a right to play such frivolous marketing games? I would say no. They should put the whole thing up on their website as a PDF immediately. When they do this, we will be able to study the volumous original texts in detail and learn more; and when I have done so I will immediately report back.
See here for background:


  1. Looking forward to reading more Ben.
    As always, brilliant commentary

  2. Thanks, Unknown. Glad you liked it.
