Wednesday, 27 October 2021

UAP and Nuclear Weapons Press Conference

There has been another major UFO press conference at the National Press Club, one of the most prestigious journalism venues in the world. It ran from 9 AM to 11 AM last Tuesday EST. Because of the difference in time zones it meant I got home from work just in time to watch the second hour. This is the third such event of its kind. The first was the May 2001 Disclosure Project witness testimony conference, see:; and the second was the 2013 Citizen Hearing Initiative, see: Both events had moderate success. The first was hampered by 9/11 a few months later and the second was sadly treated a joke by much of the legacy media, although it launched the way to a possible new congressional hearing and United Nations resolution in the future. However, this new event comes at a time when the entire conventional culture surrounding UFO's has changed considerably. It covers the UAP issue as it relates to one of the gravest and most hazardous things in the world, nuclear weapons. If there's one thing we can glean from observing UFO behaviour it is that they have an interest in our nuclear armament capability. The conference was organized by Capt. Robert Salas USAF (retired). In 1967 he was in a missile launch bunker near Malstrom Air Force Base when a bright red light appeared and shut down all his missiles. Another witness was Dr Bob Jacobs who filmed a flying saucer destroying a missile in flight. Source: The livestream has been recorded, see: It could be either worrying or reassuring that extraterrestrial intelligences are monitoring nuclear weapons on earth. It might be that if the worst happened and we started launching missiles at each other the UFO's would intervene and disable our nuclear deterrent before we blew the earth to pieces. I certainly hope so, as does everybody I'm sure! However this happy assumption might not be true. If, for example, the aliens were planning to invade the earth and wipe us all out, they would probably do the exact same thing. Whatever the reason, the fact that these beings can infiltrate and interfere with such sensitive and potentially destructive technology is an extremely serious matter and it is imperative that we find a way to understand why it's happening. Hopefully this hearing, with its experienced and expert witnesses and the implications of what it reveals, will pave the way to a proper official investigation. I ask the skeptics to bear one thing in mind before they open their mouths and make fools of themselves yet again. It's easy to call somebody like me crazy, or Miles Johnston, or Richard D Hall or Win Keech or Colin Woolford. It's another thing entirely to call the witnesses at this event crazy. These men were vetted and screened at the highest level. Their mental health was continuously monitored for their entire careers. Why? Because if they ever got a screw loose it would be the end of the world!
See here for more background:


  1. Interesting article, Ben - thanks for sharing!

    Have you seen the UFO Phenomenon Documentary by 7NEWS? (Australian channel)
    Some interesting cases with interviews by various ex-defence / military staff and other witnesses. Luis Elizondo also appears. There's also a section tagged on the end about animal mutilation.


  2. Hi GlowTone. No I haven't and I've been looking for it, so thanks!
