Sunday, 7 March 2021

Farage Quits... Again!

Nigel Farage has made an announcement that he is stepping down as leader of the Brexit Party; or, as it is now known, Reform UK (I personally think they should have stuck with the original name, I dislike the new one and the old one is more dynamic and topical). His reasons were the same as the last time he resigned from UKIP after the Brexit referendum on June the 23rd 2016. He gives a summary of his political career and feels he has done what he set out to do. He skips the details of the Brexit Party's foundation. It split from UKIP in 2018 after many UKIP members, including Farage, protested UKIP's association with people they considered disreputable like Tommy Robinson, Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) and Paul Joseph Watson. The new leader of Reform UK is Richard Tice. Source: Farage says he is not retiring from political activism and I suspect his departure from the party is not permanent anyway. It certainly was not in 2016. I feel confident that he will answer the call if he is needed. I think that such a time might be coming soon because yet another crisis in the Brexit process is looming, just when I thought the whole thing was done and dusted, see: The cause is once again the strange engineered demimonde of Northern Ireland. At the moment there is a special protocol in place. Under the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 that ended the Troubles, the border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland must remain completely open, but at the same time the EU requires some food produce from outside its trade zone to undergo customs checks. This means a rather cumbersome new boundary has been created between the province and the rest of the UK. However, it was announced by the EU a couple of weeks ago that this protocol was not being enforced and after lots of warnings they are now threatening to take Britain to court over the issue. They're refusing to ratify the December 31st deal until the matter is resolved. Also the political wing of the loyalists is now turning its back on the Good Friday Agreement altogether because they say the Protocol undermines Northern Ireland's sovereignty as one of the constituent nations of the UK. They are frightened that the arrangement might fuel calls for a united Ireland. The nightmare of the Troubles returning is too much for most people on the whole island of Ireland to bear. Boris Johnson has struck back by threatening to default on the Protocol. Source: The predictable response from remoaners will be that this whole predicament is the direct and inevitable result of Brexit itself. This is false, as I've explained many times; see the background link below. The border between the two parts of Ireland has existed for a century now and has been one of the most functional national frontiers in history. The problems we're experiencing today are caused by political sabotage. The remoaners are preparing the ground for the "Rejoin Alliance". We mustn't fall for this kind of trickery.
See here for background:

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