Friday, 25 December 2020

Happy Christmas, HPANWO Readers!

I'd like to wish all HPANWO readers, HPANWO TV viewers and HPANWO Radio listeners a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 2020 has been one of the most difficult years for us all. This is mostly down to the coronavirus. One of its many impositions is that it has virtually annihilated the conference circuit. The first... and last, live real world conference of 2020 was RAWCON in Hull, see: Seeing as my speciality is my unique form of UFO paranormal conspiracy theory conference travel vlogging, it has reduced the scope of my output, especially on HPANWO TV. I have also been shadowbanned. At first I thought this was only on YouTube, see:; however the level of my audience engagement has also dropped on Blogger. Seeing as Google own both platforms this is to be expected. I've noticed the same thing with Spreaker; it is a full spectrum attack. I've also had some HPANWO pages banned on Facebook, see: In fact the only place my profile is currently expanding is on alt-tech sites. This has made it more difficult for me to find new readers, viewers and listeners. Therefore regular readers, subscriptions and social media followers have been invaluable to me. Thanks to you, I have managed to maintain HPAMWO's reach in the online world. I very much appreciate that. Merry Christmas to you all, and a happy New Year. Lots more to come in 2021!

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