Sunday, 22 November 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones on The Spectre Detectives


I have been interviewed on The Spectre Detectives, Christine Joanna Hart's show, see:
I appear in the first hour of the show and have a discussion with Christine's co-host Jana Greasley. Subjects discussed include: UFO's, the Bullingdon Club, Truth movement infighting and much much more. See here for my interview with Christine:


  1. This the same Christina Hart who believed that Ian Brady was her father and wrote a lurid book on it - The Devil's Daughter? When she wasn't being the devil's daughter she was an "asset" of Mi6 apparently.
    She doesn't sound at all like a fantasist! Sorry to sound negative Ben but she is batshit crazy so be careful mate

  2. Hi Jeff.
    I've not read her book and don't know the evidence Christine provides for her claims. However, one thing that often happens is that many people called "batshit crazy" are very logical and talk sense, including me ;-) So I reserve judgement.

  3. Best thing I suppose Ben but I would be circumspect in your dealings with this individual. I don't use the term "batshit" lightly but she has a lot of form for fucking people over, lying, inventing and taking credit for things. I would venture that she has a personality disorder akin to BPD or NPD or a bit of both.
    It's not so much the belief systems that are the problem but the individual. I subscribe to a lot of ideas that people might call "strange" but like you Ben I am both sane and moreover honourable.
    Take care

  4. I will thanks, Jeff. But you must understand that what you have just said has been leveled at many people, including me, falsely or mistakenly. One person's denunciation cannot be upheld as a verdict by itself. This is why I came up with my "shill tribunal" idea.
    Best wishes.

  5. I totally agree with you Ben. One person's verdict may indeed be based on malice or spurious information etc. I think there's a fair bit out there though in this case. I don't make a habit of saying things like this about people. You must it is true draw your own curtains, I mean conclusions.
    Cheers mate

  6. Yes...totally. Bat shit crazy stuff surrounds us. Should any of it ever see the light of day...what else is it going to sound like. Batshit crazy exists... its not IS IT CRAZY?... The question is IS IT TRUE

  7. Hi Jeff and Rob. "Is it true?" is a question few people ask these days. I've had numerous people bolt from me like a man with the plague because somebody else said something bad about me. What the person said was a pile of crap, but that didn't matter. Mud sticks, as they say. This is why I am dubious whenever I hear allegations or suggestions about a third party. I withhold judgement until such time as all the facts can be ascertained. Check out my article series entitled "Truth-mobbed".
