Sunday, 28 June 2020

Bob Lazar on the Richplanet Virtual Tour

Thanks to the COVID 19 lockdown, many of us are now forced to do online what we normally do in real life. Indeed I have myself, see: Another is Richard D Hall who has had to cancel his annual Richplanet Tour where he travels to about a dozen different places around the country to give live lectures. I do recommend them; not just because of Richard's show, but because it gives you the chance to meet kindred spirits when they may well be very rare in your home location. It's a pity he couldn't do his live tour in 2020. However he has replaced it with a virtual one on video, like I did with my webinar. He has reproduced the graphics and format of his real life lectures accurately, including the introductory segment. As always Richard covers a wide variety of subjects in his lecture, but I want to discuss just one of them, Bob Lazar. The question of whether Bob Lazar is telling the truth about his time at Area 51 working on crashed flying saucers has been ongoing since he first related it over thirty years ago. Richard has decided to try and settle the debate with his favourite method, bringing in Peter Hyatt to do statement analysis on him. This is by popular request from his audience. It was the report by Bob Lazar that first inspired Richard to get involved in alternative research; in fact Richard has coined his name as an adjective to mean anything strange and unworldly. Hyatt's conclusion is that Bob Lazar is lying. Source:

Richard believes that Bob Lazar did work for naval intelligence because of his official documents stating that, but his purpose in relating his UFO story to the media might be that of disinformation. Something similar but non-extraterrestrial, possibly to do with the secret space programme, is going on at Area 51 and so Bob Lazar's tales of sport models and Element 115 serves the purpose of muddying the waters should any real information about the secret space programme leak out. The notion that UFO's and aliens are some kind of engineered neo-mythology created as psychological warfare to launder more down-to-earth covert projects is not very original and it is in fact somewhat fashionable at the moment. It is actually rather implausible when you consider how easily and badly it could backfire. Drawing somebody's attention towards something with the ultimate objective of deflecting it away is a very risky gambit, so much so that I think we can reject it on theoretical grounds. It's like a bank robber jumping up and down on top of his buried stash in a striped jersey and face mask every time a police car drives past, waving a placard stating: THERE IS NO STOLEN CASH HIDDEN HERE, JUST THE BONES OF A UNICORN! How long would it take for somebody to realize what was really going on? No, if the government want to cover something up they would just not mention anything at all about it, at least not until something about the real secret actually does leak out, which I suspect was what might have happened with the alien autopsy, see: What's more, Lazar has never claimed to have worked for naval intelligence. His document states that he worked for the "Department of Naval Intelligence"; well, there is no such organization in the US Navy or in fact anywhere in the overt US government. There is an Office of Naval Intelligence, but not a "department". I suspect that the DNI is a black budget outfit, whose existence is totally classified, see: In the same programme Richard claims that the same concept might explain the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. He cites an interview with somebody who claims to have worked at the base saying that the alien fables were conjured up to obscure a hazardous blunder involving the illicit movement of a dangerous piece of equipment. Even though this person passes a statement analysis test, I must seriously question this possibility for the same reason. Statement analysis is a valid area of inquiry, but it is not the be-all and end-all. As I detail in the background links below, Richard should branch out more and use other methods as well.


  1. The best Richplanet shows IMO are when RDH brings his expertise in electronic engineering and other research skills (involving real-life locations and witnesses) to the subjects of the secret space programme, hidden history, and UFOs.

  2. Laurence, some of RDH's shows are SO good. His exposure of the Jo Cox and Manchester scams are essential. He has expanded his scope to become more of generalist, like me. However, I'd like to see more from him on UFO's. His semi-departure from the subject might have led to his mistakes on the matter.
