Sunday, 14 July 2019

Girl's Body found in Vatican

A thirty-six year old mystery might be about to come to tragic solution. In June 1983 a fifteen year old girl from Rome called Emanuela Orlandi left her home to have a music lesson. She was learning to play the flute. She vanished and has never been seen since. There have been numerous theories surrounding her disappearance related to papal assassinations and the Mafia. The grave of a dead godfather was exhumed by the police in 2012 in the hope of finding some of Emanuela's remains. Now a pair of tombs are being excavated in the famous Teutonic Cemetery next to St Peter's Basilica, following an anonymous tip-off. There are signs that the tombs have been opened several times. The grave is an ossuary, designed to hold only bones. In the 15th century when the cemetery was established it was traditional to place bodies in a separate charnel house before burial. There they would be left until all their flesh had decayed, leaving only a skeleton. This would take a couple of weeks to a couple of months, depending on the season. Then the bones would be put into a permanent grave, taking up less space than a complete corpse. If the bones found are confirmed to be Emanuela's then it will bring closure for her brother Pietro who has been searching for his lost sister every day since she went missing. Source: The question that then should be asked is: How did she end up there? In any normal institution there would be a massive lockdown by the police and the immediate arrest of everybody in it. However, this rule doesn't apply to the global institutions of power. The people studying the grave are called by the media "investigators"; it doesn't say who they represent. The Vatican City is not officially part of Italy and is in fact the world's smallest sovereign nation; therefore a murder there is the responsibility, or lack of it, of their own legal authorities. It is perhaps significant that this case has come to light just after the arrest of Jeffery Epstein, see: We have another crack in the dike holding back the tide of truth. Only a few more cracks are needed before the dike completely bursts. When that day comes I suspect many more bones will be found in that cemetery that should not be there, and even that will be just the start.

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