Thursday, 14 February 2019

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Seeking the Truth 6

I have been interviewed again on the Seeking the Truth Show with Caroline Stephens, see:
Subjects discussed include: Donald Tusk's hell comment, the Lisbon Treaty, Natural law and much much more. My fellow panellists were Julian Brock, Karen Macdonald, Nathan Kirkden and Pattie Brassard. Seeking the Truth is part of the Wake Up UK alternative social network, see:
See here for my previous appearance on Seeking the Truth:


  1. Have you seen the new Netflix documentary about flat earther Mark Sargeant? Behind the Curve. I am a flatty and they make him look bad. I know you are not but we alt thinkers should look out for one another.

    Flat not Round.

  2. I've not yet. I know Mark though. He was on the HPANWO Show.

  3. Hi Ben. Im a big fan of Mark Sargeant. Fantastic bloke he is. I also follow the brilliant Dez-Nez as he's known. A truly brilliant man. I also follow you as well Ben but flat earth is my passion, or i should of said Truth is my passion. The sheeple have been lied to and most are to lazy to reserch things from the correct sorces

  4. What HPANWO show was he on can you please direct me to it plesse? I think people like yu our the glue in the alt movement. I am solidly convinced that the earth is flat, nothing will ever change that, notheing. Do you agree that we should stick together even if we dont share the same believes? What I mean to say is would you protect me from skeptics if they tried to belittle my flat earth believes?

    Flat not Round.

  5. Eric and Anon. Go to the HPANWO Radio blog and use search.
