Sunday, 2 September 2018

Ben Emlyn-Jones on Aslan's Roar

I have been interviewed on Aslan's Roar, the official podcast of the British Fight Facebook group, see:
The host is an old friend from the early days of the David Icke Forum, John White. Subjects discussed include: QAnon, the state of the online conspirasphere, the dumping of radioactive waste off the coast of Wales and much much more.


  1. I don't know how anyone can read neil sanders two articles on Cambrige analytica, and still conclude Qanon is not some kind of psy-op. It reminds me of all the white hat stuff David Wilcox was comming out with c.15 yrs ago. I so want it to be genuine, and I suspect that's what they're playing to. As you say Ben, the proof is in the pudding, time will tell. PP.

  2. Yes basolutely, PP. However, I explain why I don't agree that QAnon is just a psyop. I make no pretense that wishful thinking on my part is not a factor, but that is not a reason that I am definitely incorrect. We shall see...

  3. The investigation and expose of Q by Unirock on the Kev Baker Show (7th August) clinched it for me

  4. Hi Anon. I've seen that and other things Kev introduced me to. Kev is a good guy and I like him, but I don't go along with him on this one. As John and I explained, there is another side to the story.

  5. The actual forensic detective work Unirock did on the metadata and so on seemed to stack up. Can you summarise in a sentence or two what the 'other side of the story' is for you Ben? Intrigued.

  6. Not at the moment, Anon. I'm not ready to discuss this yet. I recommend the several YT channels criticizing Unirock. Dustin Nemos has been very informative, especially the recent debate he did.

  7. Even more intrigued now! Thanks for that Ben, I'll check out Dustin Nemos as you suggested - hadn't heard of him before.
