Saturday, 4 November 2017

UFO Academy on The One Show

In June I attended the excellent the Awake and Awake Conference at the UFO Academy Watford, see: In the reportage, I cover the presence of a TV film crew making a segment for The One Show, an early evening magazine and chat programme broadcast on BBC One. Interestingly one of the presenters is called Alex Jones. The segment in question begins at 11:20, see: There is a detailed interview with my good friend and fellow researcher Tony Topping and some other people present their views, including Sandra Daroy (See: and Kerry Cassidy; not to mention the traditional, and inevitable, interview with Nick Pope. As you can see in the HPANWO TV video, I made sure the director understood that I wanted nothing to do with it. This is because of my past experience with the media which are detailed in the background links below. I did tell one of the crew that if they made a good programme about UFO's then it would be an exclusive. The segment is actually not that bad. Tony himself appears satisfied, see: It was very limited in its scope and it has spooky "woo-woo" music of course, but it was reasonably factual. It could have been a hell of a lot worse.

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