Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Child Slavery on Mars

Alex Jones has made an attempt to go back to his roots, but he ended up digging much deeper. Alex Jones was one of the media pioneers of the conspirasphere when he launched his Infowars radio and TV network in the 1990's. His broadcasting style of brashly shouting has become his trademark. He protested against the Bilderberg Group, against the cover-up of the Oklahoma City bombing and Bohemian Grove. He has subjected various people in power to "bullhorning"; this is where he would turn up outside their home or office and yell angrily at them through a megaphone. Since about 2012 his views have changed. He has returned to a more conventional political focus and has become one of the stars of the emergent "Alt-right" phenomenon. He has declared his support for President Donald Trump and even interviewed him on his show. As a result he's been predictably labelled a "fascist!" and a purveyor of "fake news!" Even when he was a conspiracy theorist, Jones made an effort not to be associated with what he considers the most extreme elements in the movement such as those dealing with UFO's, reptilians and the supernatural, believing that they repel the public from real issues. This led him into conflict with many people such as David Icke, see: https://youtu.be/P2ypYcZ7qfw?t=10m15s.

Last Thursday Alex Jones did a programme on the harrowing subject of organized paedophilia where he interviewed Robert David Steele, a former intelligence officer with the CIA. Steele tells Alex that not only do the elite harvest body parts and chemicals from children's corpses, but that they take the children into space. He said: "This may strike your listeners as way out, but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars. It is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a twenty year ride so that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony." Alex was obviously alarmed about what Steele had just said because of how it might affect his reputation on the Alt-right and internet media scene. He interrupts Steele and changes the subject; he says: "I know ninety percent of the NASA missions are secret... but then it goes off into all that and that's the kind of thing the media jumps on." Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9cgm1B7Rew. The media did indeed jump on it, for example see: https://www.space.com/37366-mars-slave-colony-alex-jones.html. Sargon of Akkad, aka the YouTube presenter Carl Benjamin, has also made a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QubElC37Jzc. The most astonishing development from this is that NASA made an official response. A spokesman for the American space agency called Guy Webster, who is a real expert of theirs, told The Daily Beast: "There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumour going around last week that there weren't. There are... But there are no humans... There's only one stupid rumour on the Internet?" Why on earth would NASA even think of commenting on this matter? It took them thirty years even to make an effort to disprove the fake moon landing theorists, see: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/programme-179-podcast-marcus-allen.html. You'd think this would be way beneath them. Sargon puts this down to the influence of the new independent media, something for which I assume he himself would rejoice at. He says: "It's funny how powerful they consider Alex Jones to be though... Come on! Nobody needs to say anything about this.", see link above. However, in my view we should take Mr Steele's accusations seriously. Children do disappear, in vast numbers; that's a sad fact of life. Who is taking them and where do they go? We should also take seriously the presence of a secret space programme that has been far more successful than the one publicly admitted. The public space programme has sent rockets into low earth orbit while the secret space programme has been using advanced technology such as free energy and antigravity propulsion. I have good reason to think that there are in fact human bases on Mars and other heavenly bodies. See the background links below for more details. Combine these two notions and the accusations by Robert David Steele are perfectly feasible. If the shadow government really is kidnapping children and sending them to be slaves in outer space colonies then don't the people deserve to know? Doesn't this need to be exposed so the children can be set free and brought home?
See here for accompanying HPANWO TV video: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/child-slavery-on-mars.html.


  1. Dean, do you expect me to publish your comments when you're that rude?

  2. Hi mate, great article pal as always to be fare. Im a big of fan of alex hes a top bloke. Like what he says about the jews and cultural marxisms. Keep it coming fella. Baz

  3. That is an awful blog. Take some lessons and toughen up a bit. Don't write things if you can't accept criticism.

  4. Thanks, Baz. I agree with some of what AJ says and not others. As for the Jewish question, have you seen my video about that?

  5. Dean, I have no problem with criticism, but I DO have a problem with rudeness! If you want to criticize me, go ahead; but do it in a civil tone. Understood?

  6. Hi Ben. I've come to realise the best way forward with anything is two independent witnesses.RDS has some professional credibility, but I am saddened to say Alex has taken the Kings shilling. I take any article with a huge pinch of salt. I honestly feel he is the chosen vehicle to discredit the truth movement with disinformation. May I suggest you run it by Andrew Johnson? Best wishes, Richard.

  7. Hi Richard. Naturally I have published this article with the intention of gaining feedback. I'm in no way a deferrer to Alex Jones. He has a good line on some issues, but not on others.
