A few weeks ago I was called a
racist by a former friend of mine, and a guest on HPANWO Radio. I don't like
speaking openly about my personal conflicts with other people, but sometimes
it's necessary to. I don't waste my time responding to the usual array of
meaningless insults and hate mail I get, if for no other reason than I would
have no time to do anything else; but I am compelled to when their statement
includes serious defamation of character, and I did, see: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/programme-188-podcast-jews.html.
This has now happened again, so soon afterwards. This latest incident was one I
expected and was bracing myself for. It is directly related to the controversy
surrounding the recent Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/scottish-ufo-and-paranormal-conference.html.
In this case I'm not going to identify my antagonist simply because I think
their primary motive is self-publicity and I don't wish to aid them in their
quest. Their thousand-word statement about me was posted on their website
yesterday. The greater part of it is simply noise. I've discussed this with a
few other people and they understand what it's like when you encounter a
verbally-aggressive person and there is absolutely no way to defend yourself
verbally. It is utterly futile to tell them things like: "But that's not
true/not fair because...". Everything you say to them, any word that could
possibly come out of your mouth, will be turned into ammunition to be fired
back at you. This is because your opponent is not trying to make a rational
argument; they are trying to engage you in an angry exchange of insults. It
doesn't matter to them whether what they've said is true or not, or fair or
not. All that matters to them is that it is inflammatory and wounding. My
former YouTube friend Slaxxxer is remarkably similar to my latest attacker, see
here for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKKx5fSd6ZE&feature=youtu.be&t=2h57m15s
and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQi1tb48aIM&t=0s.
I've become fascinated with Stefan Molyneux's lectures on sophistry, for
example see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hUg4hgWQKw
and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5jh_lN9TWw.
The attack on me posted yesterday fits exactly with what Molyneux predicts in
the above links. It contains an excessive number of adjectives, I'm addressed
by name more often than normal, and it is an acid bath of rhetoric. Every word
of it is false and unjust, and the author knows
that. As I said, there is no way I can possibly counter any of it through reply.
Rational debate is only possible with somebody else who respects the rules. My
only possible response would be to hurl mindless abuse back at them. However
there is one part of this nonsensical tirade that I have to address in detail
because it could potentially cast me into ill repute: "...and also you're a happy-slapper? I heard a rumour so it
must be true, eh? Shall I go around telling everyone that it is absolute fact
you got sacked for slapping a colleague with special needs while filming it? Do
I know that happened? No I don't, no one does, only you." This person is very crafty and is aware of legal
parameters. Notice how they word the statement as a question? "But I'm not accusing you, Ben. I'm just posing the possibility, voicing the
rumour that we've all heard." This person also never states my full
name; they only ever refer to me as "Ben" or "BEJ". This
way they can always claim that they are addressing somebody else and any resemblance
to me is purely coincidental. While doing this they know very well that anybody
who reads this piece of writing and is familiar with my published works will
instantly recognize me from it. The "happy-slapping" this person
refers to is the most grotesque thing Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust tried
to label me with when they were crowbarring me out of my job in 2012. They
accused me of bullying another porter. What had really happened was that I and
another member of staff decided to make a comedy video together for our own
mutual amusement and post it on HPANWO TV. This person was a very close friend
of mine at work (Still is I hope) and I’d never dream of doing anything to harm
him. This porter is a grown man in the same age group as myself; however
because he suffers from a comparatively minor learning difficulty and is
registered as a vulnerable adult, my accusers reduced this completely harmless,
enjoyable and innocent project to a sadistic and cowardly attack on my part.
Happy-slapping is when children attack other children, usually when their
victims are smaller or outnumbered, and film the assault on their mobile
phones, see here for more details: http://hpanwo-hpwa.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/one-year-on.html.
I hope that clarifies the matter. I'd like to be able to leave this situation alone
now, but I can't. My antagonist has also carried out a harsher and far more
sustained assault on a good friend of mine, so I will be returning to this
subject again in the near future in order to defend him.
It doesn't matter if you are named or not. If you can be identified from the content of the writing as you, then you have got them for slander.