Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Cultural Marxist cleared of Racism

Bahar Mustafa used to have a very Orwellian job title: "diversity officer" of Goldsmiths University of London, Prof. Chris French's old haunt. She recently aroused controversy by organizing a meeting at the student's union demanding that white heterosexual males stay away. She said: "...if you’ve been invited and you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME just cos I invited a bunch of people and hope you will be responsible enough to respect this is a (non-white heterosexual male) Women and non-binary event only". This wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the fact that any attempt to set up a similar meeting exclusively for WHM people in the same way would be unthinkable to the authorities. In fact somebody in the USA called Matthew Heimbach tried to do just that once and this was the reaction: What's more Ms Mustafa was also charged with Tweeting under the hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen. There is no justification for this double standard, but then in today's world none is needed. The response any WHM person will get when they make a comment of any kind relating to WHM rights or welfare issues is: "But that's nothing to what women/black/gay people have had to put up with! What about slavery/sexism/the Holocaust etc!?" Even if that is true, is it a reason to abuse WHM people now? There seems to be a common misconception in society that the only solution to any injustice is an attempt to cancel it out with another injustice. It doesn't work; all you get is a double-dose of injustice. I think there's a reason why this misconception is promoted and I'll come to that later. Another pitfall is that when you make war against an abstraction the only people you usually end up harming are those who are innocent as individuals; but we're told that doesn't matter, see here for more details: Another effort to negate this double standard was initiated by Suzanne Moore in response to the controversy. She said: "If (WHM people) are seriously fearing for their lives because of this hashtag, they can surely organise a safe space. Indeed, they have; it’s called 'most of the world'." Again, I couldn't agree less. No world in which we can be openly maligned as "rapists!" for no reason, kicked out of our jobs because of who we are, and slaughtered in our beds in South Africa while the world shrugs its shoulders and turns away, is a "safe space" for me and my fellow WHM people.
The charges against Mzzzzz Mustafa have been dropped. This is despite the fact that she has not definitively refuted the allegation that she Tweeted under #KillAllWhiteMen. Her response has been "I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men, because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender. Therefore, women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system." This means that she considers it wrong to mistreat women, black people, homosexuals etc (so do I), but that it's fine and dandy to mistreat WHM human beings in the very same way she would oppose non-WHM's being mistreated. Surely I am not alone in understanding the horrific unfairness and dangerous implications of that. Source: (Thanks to my friend and fellow researcher Victor Nevada for bringing this to my attention) Incidentally, I'm interested that Bahar Mustafa describes herself as being an ethnic minority when she looks as white a sheet to me. Her name leads me to suspect she has her family roots in Turkey. That is a country where a large proportion of the population are racially euro-Caucasoid. She clearly feels uncomfortable with that fact. This is something I noticed during my lost weekend as a trade unionist, thankfully not a long one. The people there used to rant on about the "privileged classes!" and how awful "economic inequality!" was. However those who were from a "non-privileged" background appeared to be very proud of their depravation and wore it on their sleeve like a badge of honour. They used to have competitive slanging matches over who had been born on the meanest, roughest, most squalid council estate and who had endured the most poverty as a child. This attitude is very perceptively parodied in Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen, see: Conversely I knew people in the union who had led very rich middle class lives and were deeply ashamed of it; they would even hide it from the others by faking a working class accent and declaring invented false backgrounds. Possibly Ms Mustafa feels the same way; she wants to be non-white even though she isn't because being non-white gives her prestige. It is very paradoxical; in the leftists' eyes, being really "privileged!" is to be oppressed. Subjugation delivers status. People like Bahar Mustafa keep repeating over and over that WHM people are "privileged!" "privileged!" "privileged!" like a mantra. In their little minds there is no hypothetical scenario in which WHM's will stop being "privileged!" When the last white farmer in South Africa is impaled dead on a gatepost next to his raped wife? When the last manager, supervisor or political leader's job has been made off-limits to WHM's? When the last male TV presenter has been kicked and spat upon as he exits Broadcasting House for the last time? Even after all that WHM's will still be regarded as privileged. These policies have no sunset clause and no timetable or roadmap of specific objectives. They could go on indefinitely, and indeed the plan is that they will.
Another thing I find frustrating about feminists is that they fly off into a hysterical rage over trivial or even non-existent issues when ignoring the real women's rights violations in the world beyond. Why do feminists picket publishers that print books which contain the word "mankind" while walking past the Saudi embassy without so much as a blink? Saudi Arabia, one of the key allies of the globalist West, is a country in which women are banned from driving and can be flagellated in public for being raped, see links below for more detail. What's odd about Bahar Mustafa is that she seems to have hardened with age, and quite recent age too. When she was campaigning to be elected to her position in early 2014 she wrote about her activities in the student union's feminist society as: "I organised Feminist Society events, open to all genders, to cultivate a strong sense of politics and discuss issues affecting our daily experiences." (her emphasis), see: Her more recent behaviour is a contradiction. The majority of mainstream journalists have leaped to Bahar Mustafa's defence; in doing so they have offered the most mindless platitudes for her misconduct. The aforementioned Suzanne Moore does not try to deny that Ms Mustafa used the #KillAllWhiteMen Tweet, but instead thinks it should be put "into context". She actually supports the use of the hashtag and her sole justification for it is: "(Twitter is) the place where women are tweeted abusive crap day in, day out." Source: You see what I mean? Shame on you, Suzanne Moore! Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, another columnist on The Guardian, supports Bahar Mustafa, but takes a more moderate line: "Mustafa, as a feminist activist and campaigner, is active on social media, often expressing her outrage about racism, misogyny and homophobia. Her use of the hashtag also seems to have been an ironic reference to a #killallmuslims hashtag that was floating around at the time." Source: Ms Brinkhurst-Cuff also reveals that Bahar Mustafa has herself been threatened online since the media picked up on this story. She's had emails urging her to commit suicide as well as promises to gang-rape her and to murder her children. As loathsome as Mzzzzz Mustafa might be, I do not think she deserves that. I'm totally opposed to anybody being abused online. If I knew who had done this to her I would report them to the police without hesitation. No doubt the Mustafas and Moores of this world would reject my sentiments because I'm opposed to their feminism and anti-white racism (yes, that's what it is). They would spit at me and call me a "lying crypto-misogynist homophobic racist/rapist sympathizer". Well, they're wrong; and anybody who knows me will tell them so. Why is this happening? Do the governments of the world have a vendetta against white heterosexual males? Do they want to wipe out all WHM people and nobody else? Do they especially favour women, black people and homosexuals and want to put them into power? No, of course not. As far as the Illuminati, elite, or whatever you want to call them, are concerned we are all just another species of farm animal, no matter whether we're male or female, black or white, straight or gay. They would never let non-WHM people rule the world, any more than a cattle farmer would put his Friesians in charge of the pasture where the Jerseys lived. What I've described in this article and do again in the links below is what is known as cultural Marxism. It is a form of mind control; and it is one that worries me probably more than any other because it has been so successful. The question is no longer how many people have been effected by cultural Marxism, but how few have not. The objective of cultural Marxism is to break down the individual and mass psychology of humanity so that it is reduced to ruins and then can be rebuilt completely anew... In other words a New World Order. The inventors of cultural Marxism, those of the Frankfurt School, Fabian Society and many other organizations, speak quite openly about a "long march through the institutions" towards their sordid goal, for example see: Cultural Marxism has to be engaged and defeated if humans are to be free to move forward into the post-Illuminati era. To any HPANWO readers who are a woman, gay, brown or black I'd like to say: beware of anybody who tries to blame the problems of the world on white heterosexual males and encourages you to see us as enemies and objects of hate. This is wrong. At the highest level, we are all on the same side in this battle. To any HPANWO readers who are WHM I'd like to say: Firstly don't hate yourself and our own people. Don't feel guilty. We are not responsible for the evils of this world, past or present. Secondly, don't get angry towards innocent individuals. Don't turn against non-WHM's in the throes of your confusion and resentment. Non-WHM's are as much targets of the New World Order as we are. What I said about cancelling out injustice with another injustice when I was talking about Bahar Mustafa applies just as much to you. We can do it, we can be free and there is a way out of the cultural Marxist maze, no matter how difficult it currently seems.


  1. Hello Ben. I understand your frustration at the modern state of affairs. I agree with most of what you say but as a piece of constructive criticism I would avoid using the acronym 'W.H.M.'. A writer of your proficiency must have a better literary device to impart the required meaning :)

    I suspect you may be interested in the following piece, a personal account of an extraordinary sequence of events imposed upon a respected journalist hounded out of his job by his employer, the Irish Times. The hidden hand of the Marxist Cultural elite behind the actions of the unthinking, ably described therein, is palpable:

    Cultutral Marxism at Work

    A radio interview with the journalist soon after is here:

    Radio Interview John Waters (Irish Journalist)

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    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Link to the article broken, here it is again:

  3. Link to the radio interview also broken, here it is again:

  4. Hi Laurence. Thanks for the links. I'll try to think of a better word for "WHM", however I might have to invent one because the only umbrella term society currently gives us is "scum!"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. What we must be very careful of here is not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Eurrocentric Racism exists and has been (and is still) a driving force behind Western Imperialism continuing to this day and it's Judeo-Christian 'specialness' narrative whilst simultaniously propping up imperialist backed feifdoms in the same geographics. That being said there is a clear agenda that I see as actually just a natural fallout to policy to stoke division by using reverse tactics on the White Hetrosexual Male but ultimately it is not empowering any minority as much as it does not empower the 'WHM' as you term, infact the hardening of the orthodoxes is taking place, old enemy lines are being drawn up, The Abrahamic battle between the Arab Nations and the Land grabbing Judea, old assumptions and prejudices are being re-enforced with even the Disabled being attacked by DWP while we fall for the same old divide and conquer malevolence again. As a person of mixed heritage I can tell you that "Scum" is a word still referenced to Black/Brown people by many people in the workplace and in the pub bar so let's not forget the bigger picture - but of coarse - Not all of 'Us' are scum as we are obliged to retort. However ALL of humanity is now under the umbrella of 'Scum' by those in power in the understanding that we will conduct civil war amongst ourselves like rats in the barrel. 'He that has the strength, let him arise and withdraw into himself, forgoing all that is known by the eyes, turning away for ever from the material beauty that once made his joy.' (Plotinus - Ennead I-6:8 - MacKenna).

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Pesan ke Indonesia: Maukah Anda pergi. Tidak ada di sini mengerti Anda. Terima kasih.

    Translation: Message to Indonesian. Will you please go away. No one here understands you. Thank you.

  9. Well said, Laurence. LOL I might have to change these comments box settings to approval only.

  10. Hi X. I know eurocentric racism exists. That's why I said I thought it was wrong to mistreat women/gay/black people etc. If anybody called you "scum!" I promise I'd immediately leap to your defence. I do warn people of all colours in the article not to be divided and ruled.

  11. That would be a blessed relief Ben :)
