Saturday, 14 September 2013

Diana back in the News

Of all the “major” conspiracy theories in the world at the moment, the one that I think is most likely to be exposed, proved true and generally accepted in the coming few years, is the assassination of Princess Diana. The media coverage of this event has been impossible to completely supress and today, thanks to a Facebook friend, another article has come my way, see: It shows that there is evidence being released through contacts in the British special forces organization the SAS, that murder suspicions were circulating endemically. An interview with the ex-special forces officer, and polar explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, carried out by Diana researcher Jon King (see:, shows that the UK Government had a contingency plan for killing people by sabotaging their cars in tunnels. This method, known in the special forces community as “Boston Brakes”, involved planting a small explosive device on a car’s axle which would cause the driver to lose control and the car swerve in one direction or another, like into the path of a lorry for example… or into the walls of a tunnel. In a tunnel hit, there would be assassins hiding nearby to rush into the tunnel and check that the target was dead; if they survived the crash they’d be finished off with a lethal injection. In fact one additional form of this method also involved using a very bright flash-gun which can blind somebody for up to three minutes. This would be shone into the driver’s eyes just before the car reached the tunnel. It’s not only Fiennes who reported this but the renegade MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson, see: This allegation may have been “dismissed”, but without a proper inquest we’ll never know. This comes after many other such stunning revelations over the years, such as the death of the white Fiat Uno driver, see:; it’s odd that somebody shooting themselves would be able to inflict two gunshot wounds to their head.

The closest we’ve come to any kind of investigation, before the current Royal Military Police one, was the 2007 coroner’s inquest in London. This returned a verdict of “Unlawful Killing”; in normal circumstances this would mean the police would be called immediately to investigate further and decide whether there were any suspicious circumstances that might warrant a murder inquiry. This inquest was reported very badly by the media, and there’s only so badly you can report anything in the media by accident! British documentary film-maker Keith Allen has covered this debacle in his astounding 2011 film Unlawful Killing. This was produced in cooperation with Mohammed Al-Fayed, father of Dodi who died with Diana that night in Paris; al-Fayed has tirelessly campaigned to prove that his son was murdered and bring the UK Government to justice. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and was listed for distribution, however British lawyers insisted on eighty-seven cuts being made otherwise it would be banned in the United Kingdom; Allen refused and so it was indeed banned, see: Normally at this point I’d post a link to a bootleg video site showing the film, but there’s no point; any such link posted goes dead very quickly, usually within hours. I recommend you just search for it with: “Unlawful, killing, Diana” and it should come up somewhere if you keep looking. I personally remember the night Diana died very well; I was on a night shift at the hospital, and I and other staff crowded round the television in the rest room watching it whenever we had a moment free. One thing I recall very well is the doctors and nurses, a lot of them trained A&E practitioners, saying again and again: “What? Is she still in the tunnel? Why haven’t they moved her from the scene to hospital?” So suspicions were raised straight away. Then we got a call through from the Trust director to go outside and lower the hospital flag to half-mast. It was then a few minutes later that her death was formerly announced.

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