Monday, 10 December 2012

The Hollie Greig Debate- Replies to my Offer

A few days ago I made an open offer to act as chairman in a public debate between the two sides in the Hollie Greig Hoax controversy, see: . I've received a reply from both sides. The Hoax faction have been very positive and appreciative. They immediately posted a reply to my notice on YouTube thanking me for the offer and saying they'd be happy with that. I've also received a reply also from the HDJ contingent which is indirect and much less amiable, see: I must say I'm deeply dismayed by this very unjust and prickly statement. Do they really think I want this for my own selfish peace of mind? Also, I never said anything about a debate being on the Internet. As I explained in the linked article above there are now many people in the Truth Movement who share my misgivings and that number is growing. What I want is for the mess to be cleared up for all our sakes and for the credibility of the Alternative community. Ultimately this means for the sake of the children. How much longer will it be before the buck stops with you, HDJ?


  1. Well done for taking it upon yourself to explore the situation Ben.

  2. Hi Ben, take a look at

    Best wishes
