Sunday, 8 July 2012

Happy Disclosure Day!

Happy Disclosure Day everybody!

July the 8th is World UFO Disclosure Day, and was awarded that status by Steve Becklow and Geoffrey West of the Paradigm Research Group in 2010. This is because it was on July the 8th 1947 that General Roger Ramey held a press conference in his office in Fort Worth, Texas where he put on display some wooden sticks and some loose, crumpled pieces of aluminium foil and told the world's media that this is what Major Jesse Marcel of the Roswell Army Air Force Base had mistaken for a UFO. He was lying. Today, 65 years later, the Government are still lying. However many believe that this is the day that the decision was made to institute what Stephen Bassett calls the "Truth Embargo." Reporters were descending like locusts on Fort Worth and New Mexico and the Government was considering whether to continue with the original "Flying Disk" story, and so come clean that UFO's exist, or cover it up; they opted for the latter (See newspaper pictures above). Personally I suspect that this decision was made many years earlier when the Government had to deal with similar incidents to Roswell before July of 1947 and they had a contingency plan already in place that simply broke down to begin with, (See: but the day of the scene in Gen. Ramey's office is still a fitting and symbolic historic moment that illustrates the subject well.

I have my doubts about whether Disclosure, as it is conventionally defined, is possible, as I've said many times, like here: . But there's a part of me that wants so badly for it to be true. The whole concept is so utterly intoxicating that I can't discard it.

World UFO Disclosure Day will continue to be celebrated every July the 8th, but if... or when... Disclosure happens, it will instantly be moved to the day this occurs and celebrated on that day every succeeding year. HPANWO-Readers can personally endorse World Disclosure Day here:

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